Wednesday 14 November 2007

116 Lost: "Outlaws" Review

Sawyer: "Oh, that hog is going to suffer. I swear to God."

As we begin with our now familiar eye opening, we pull back to reveal something different. This eye belongs to a young boy, roused from a peaceful sleep by a violent pounding on the front door. His mother bursts into his room and tells him that everything is going to be okay, but we can see from her face that she doesn't believe it. She hides him under his bed and makes him promise that he won't come out no matter what he hears. She makes his bed to make it look as if he was never there and goes downstairs. We stay with the boy and hear a violent argument that ends with a GUNSHOT. From the boy's POV we see a pair of cowboy boots enter his room. The boy does his best not to cry and the man in the boots comes over and sits on his bed. As we share in his terror, wondering if he is going to be next, we hear another gunshot and the man collapses, dead on the bed above him.

Back on the island, Sawyer wakes from his nightmare, covered in sweat. He reaches over for a sip of water, relieved that it is all over, but we hear a rustling in the darkness. Sawyer slowly reaches for the flashlight and when he turns it on we see an enormous boar demolishing his things. Sawyer grabs a bat and lashes out, but the boar easily escapes, destroying the relative calm of his makeshift tent. As Sawyer angrily gives chase, the boar disappears into the jungle with the tarp that was his roof. When he gives chase, we hear those same spooky whispers in the wind. Did they actually say something, this time?

Later that morning, Sawyer is cleaning up his things. Sayid comes by and is clearly enjoying Sawyer's plight. Sawyer asks Sayid about the voices he thought he heard in the jungle when he escaped from Rousseau, but Sayid writes it off as stress-related delusions.

We FLASHBACK to a hotel room. And for a second we think we must be watching a rerun because here comes Sawyer again, tangled in a kiss with another attractive woman. But just as it starts to get interesting, the two of them are interrupted by a voice from the dark. A man Sawyer knows as "Hibbs" wants to talk and it doesn't take long for us to realize that Sawyer ain't too glad to see him. As Sawyer chokes him, reminding him that he screwed him out of his share of a con they ran years ago, Hibbs tells Sawyer that he has come to make it right. Hibbs hands him an envelope and we expect it to be full of money, but what it actually holds is far more valuable?The whereabouts of the man who killed Sawyer's parents. The real "Sawyer" -- the man he has been chasing his whole life. He runs a shrimp truck?in Sydney.

Back on the island, Jack and Kate return the guns from the Ethan mission to the Halliburton case. All but one, that is? Sawyer has refused to turn his in. Kate offers to get it back for Jack telling him that she "can speak his language." You don't have to look very hard at Jack's face to see how he feels about that?

Back at the caves, Charlie is building something from bits of wreckage. Claire comes over to him, but we can see from his persona that this isn't the Charlie we all know and love. Something is?off. When Claire asks him if he wants to go on a walk, Charlie says that he has something to do and just walks away.

In the jungle, Sawyer comes upon his tarp -- the boar must have dropped it there when it ran away the night before. He grabs it and starts to make his way back to camp, but he hears something -- the whispers blowing in the wind! But Sawyer has more pressing troubles to deal with because it looks like the boar wasn't quite ready to give that tarp back. It comes crashing out of the brush and straight at Sawyer. He runs as fast has he can, but he's got no chance and the boar easily catches him and knocks him off his feet and right into a big puddle of mud before disappearing back into the jungle. Sawyer was just the victim of a boar "drive-by"! Kate catches up with Sawyer as he is packing up for a hunt. She thinks he is being absurd and tells him to tell Locke to go and kill it, but Sawyer explains that it's too late for that -- it's personal now.

And speaking of personal, we FLASHBACK to Sawyer making his way along the waterfront of a city that could only be Sydney, Australia. He ducks into a seedy boathouse where a man sells him a gun. But before the man hands it over he lets Sawyer know that there are no refunds, so before he buys the gun Sawyer better be sure he has what it takes to use it.

Back at the beach, Hurley and Charlie bury Ethan (So that's what Charlie was making, a shovel!) and even though this is one of the creepiest things they've ever done, Hurley can see that something is wrong with Charlie. When he asks him if he is okay, Charlie doesn't answer. After they finish, Hurley finds Sayid and asks him if he ever dealt with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder while in the army. When Sayid asks him why he wants to know, Hurley tells him about Charlie.

Meanwhile, out in the jungle, Sawyer is having absolutely no luck trying to track his boar. Kate arrives and offers to track for him?on one condition: Anytime she wants something from his stash, she gets it -- no questions asked. And though it clearly kills Sawyer to do it, he has a score to settle with that boar, so he agrees.

We catch up with them later that night around a campfire. Sawyer brought along several of the mini bottles of booze from the airplane and he and Kate decide to play a little game called "I never" where we learn an awful lot about the both of them: Kate has never been to Disneyland; Sawyer has never been in love; and BOTH of them have killed a man.

FLASHBACK to the same bedroom we saw at the top of the show. The same kid cowers under the same bed. Only this time, when the door opens, we don't see a pair of cowboy boots come in, but a pair of hooves -- hooves that look suspiciously like they belong to a boar!

Sawyer wakes up to see Kate kneeling over him. The good news -- it was just a dream. The bad news -- the boar attacked them again while they slept. Wait. Actually, the boar attacked Sawyer when they slept. While his stuff is destroyed, Kate's is untouched. But before Sawyer can fly completely off the handle he hears a rustle in the bushes behind him. This time he's ready and he draws his gun, but it's not the boar - - it's Locke who explains that he's been out looking for wreckage to salvage. He sits down and joins them for coffee. After Kate tells him that Sawyer thinks this boar has something personal against him, Locke tells them a story about his sister, Victoria who died when she was little. Their mother swore that she came back as a golden retriever. Maybe the boar is the spirit of someone who Sawyer pissed off back in the real world.

And as we wonder who that could be, we FLASHBACK to Sawyer sitting in a car staring at a shrimp truck in the distance. He checks to make sure the gun in his jacket is loaded and makes his way over to the guy running the truck. He's seems nice enough and even offers Sawyer a fellow American discount -- 50 percent off! As he goes to the stove to cook Sawyer's lunch we see the gun shaking in Sawyer's hand. Can he do it? When the shrimp guy turns back around to deliver his lunch we get our answer?Sawyer is gone.

We don't have to wonder where he went because we see him knocking back shots in a dive bar. When the bartender asks if he's had enough, Sawyer tells him to keep them coming. From down the bar we hear another American congratulating him on his decision -- "These bastards think Americans can't hold their liquor." But wait?there is something familiar about that voice. When Sawyer buys a round for him, he slides on down the bar to join him and?Oh?My?God?it's Christian Shepard, Jack's dad! And what he has to say just about knocks us off our feet. He doesn't hate Jack for what he did; he loves him for it. And get this -- he's proud of him! So here they are, just two guys trying to drink away the pain and find a little peace in their lives. But that's not likely and they both know it. Besides, Christian Shepard has a theory: Some people are just meant to suffer -- and he should know, he's a chief of surgery. "That's why the Red Sox will never win the series, Christian says." When Sawyer asks him why he doesn't call his son and tell him these things, Christian gives a more honest answer than we've ever heard from him: "Because I am weak." And when he asks if the "business" Sawyer is in town for is going to bring him peace, Sawyer tells him it will. "Then what are you doing here?"

Good question. We're back at the shrimp truck, later that night. And as the rain slashes down outside Sawyer clocks his target: "Sawyer." The real one -- the man he has been chasing his whole life. When he goes to dump his trash in the dumpster next to the truck, Sawyer checks the gun once more and gets out of the car.

Back on the island, Charlie is husking coconuts. Sayid approaches and asks him how he is doing, but Charlie is on to him. Charlie tells Sayid he is NOT sorry for shooting Ethan. Ethan tried to kill him and he kidnapped Claire. He deserved to die?and Charlie would do it again. Sayid tells him a story that makes it clear to Charlie that the feelings he is having are totally normal. Before he leaves, he tells Charlie something else that seems to hit home: "You are not alone, Charlie. Don't pretend to be."

In the jungle, Sawyer and Kate are on the trail. Kate spots a wallow the boars have been using and they know they are close. When Sawyer captures a baby boar and uses it for bait, Kate demands that he set it free before he hurts it. Sawyer refuses, but Kate knocks him down and the baby boar goes free. Kate is disgusted and tells Sawyer to find his own way back.

FLASHBACK to the shrimp truck. Sawyer is now very close behind his prey. And as he raises the gun he calls out the name that has been haunting him for so long?"Sawyer!" The man turns around and Sawyer shoots him in the chest. Finally, Sawyer has got his man?or has he? Rasping for breath, the man tells Sawyer that he would have paid his debt and that Hibbs didn't need to do this to him. What? What did he just say? Oh no. Oh, God, no! Hibbs set Sawyer up from the beginning. This wasn't the man who killed his parents and ruined his life and never was. He was just someone who owed Hibbs. As Sawyer deals with the horrific realization of what he has done, the man says one more thing before he dies. "It will come back around."

Back on the island, Sawyer is wandering around hopelessly lost. He spins around looking for something, anything he recognizes and calls out for Kate. When he turns all the way around, he sees that he is face to face with the boar. His boar. Kate enters and looks on from beyond Sawyer's field of vision as Sawyer pulls his gun and raises it to the boar. The boar doesn't budge. In fact, he appears to be looking Sawyer right in the eyes. We hold this for a long time until, finally, Sawyer lowers the gun and the boar walks away. Noticing Kate now, Sawyer tries to play it off -- "It's just a boar." But we all know better by now.

Back at the beach, Jin and Sun mend a fishing net. Michael continues his work on the raft while Vincent plays with Walt. Claire sits by herself looking at the ocean. Charlie arrives looking like a changed man and the two of them take that walk that Claire proposed earlier.

Jack is in the woods, breaking wood for the fire. Sawyer arrives and after some vintage, Sawyer juvenile banter, he hands over the last gun to Jack. In response to his sarcasm, Jack says something that makes our hearts stop: "That's why the Red Sox will never win the series." Sawyer asks him to repeat that last bit and Jack tells him that it's something his father used to say to explain why he didn't have to apologize for all the lousy things he did to people -- he preferred to put the blame on fate. When Sawyer asks if Jack's dad was a doctor, too, Jack tells him he was and then asks a question of his own. Jack: "Why do you want to know about my dad?"

And we hold our breath because we realize the power of what Sawyer knows. The impact of hearing from someone who spoke to him just before he died that Jack's father didn't blame Jack for his downfall. That he believed in him. That he was proud of him. That his father loved him. It's what Jack has wanted to hear his whole life and will now never have the chance to. Oh, GOD would it help?

But that just wouldn't be Sawyer. Sawyer: "No reason."

115 Lost: "Homecoming" Review

Claire: "Why would you keep me in the dark, Charlie? I'm already in the dark."

Charlie's eye opens as he is roused from sleep by the sounds of people springing into action around him. He wipes the sleep from his eyes and gets to his feet, but before he can ask what all the commotion is about, we get the answer. Through the brush comes Locke?and he's holding Claire in his arms! Charlie can't believe it and he fights through the crowd of castaways to be by her side. Jack has her now and he is gently trying to get her to regain consciousness. Charlie asks the question we all want answered: Is she alive? And for just a second, we're afraid the answer is "no," but then Claire wakes up and starts to scream. Jack calms her down, tells her it will be all right. She's safe now -- back where she belongs. Claire's response is enough to knock us off our feet? "Who are you?" Later, Charlie finds Claire alone and confused and tries to connect with her by telling her that Ethan kidnapped him as well and nearly killed him. Claire asks who Ethan is and Charlie tells her all she needs to know. "He's a bad guy." We FLASHBACK to Charlie in the pub with his "mate," Tommy. These are strange days for Charlie - - DRIVESHAFT has broken up, but he is having an awfully hard time letting go. Still, he can get by just fine?as long as he can stay stoned. But Charlie is just about broke now and that's where Tommy comes in. He has a plan: Charlie uses whatever celebrity he has left to charm his way into the life (and home) of Lucy, a frumpy, but very rich girl that Tommy has handpicked for just this purpose. If Charlie had a conscience, he sniffed it up his nose a long time ago. He finishes his pint and goes in for the kill. Back on the island, Charlie hooks up with Jin for the walk back from the caves to the beach - - "safety in numbers, right?" Wrong. Jin is knocked out by a flying rock and before Charlie can figure out what is happening, he is face to face with Ethan. Charlie tries to attack him, but Ethan easily pins Charlie against a tree and delivers his demand: Bring Claire to this spot before sundown?or Ethan will kill one of them every day until he does. Jack, Locke, Sayid and Charlie discuss what to do. What if Ethan is still out there? What if he tries something like this again? Charlie and Jack want to organize a hunting party to try and capture him, but Sayid and Locke disagree in favor of building up the camp's defenses. Reluctantly, Jack and Charlie go along with the plan. Meanwhile, Claire asks Charlie why everyone is acting so nervous, especially around her. Charlie can't bring himself to tell her about Ethan and lies, saying everything is okay. We FLASHBACK to Charlie once more as Lucy shows him around her very posh home. They enjoy an easy banter and, as Lucy goes for tea, Charlie cases the joint. Lots to steal here?this will do just fine. When Lucy invites Charlie to dinner with her father later that week he is only too happy to accept. Back on the island, Kate goes to see Jack. She heard about what happened with Ethan and wants to use the guns from the Marshal's case for protection, but Jack won't have it. Putting guns in untrained hands is more dangerous than helpful. Instead, they've decided to rig an alarm system that Locke has invented out of empty cans and homemade tripwires. They post sentries with spears around the perimeter of the camp. They will stay on guard all night and sleep in shifts. Charlie tells Jack that he is afraid for Claire. He wants to move her to a new location, one that is more secure. When Jack tells him to try and relax, Charlie confesses that he blames himself for allowing Claire to be taken - - he should have fought harder for her. Jack puts a hand on his shoulder and promises that nothing will happen to her again. FLASHBACK to Charlie seated at a posh dining table. Charlie, Lucy and her father enjoy their meal. When Lucy's father talks about how he was in a band that failed and Lucy beams at him from across the table, something unexpected starts to happen - - Charlie is actually bonding with this man. And damned if he isn't growing genuinely fond of Lucy as well. Later, Charlie is back at the pub with Tommy. He tells Tommy that he doesn't want to go through with the theft and that he has decided to try and go straight -- He even accepted a job selling copy machines for Lucy's father. But Tommy won't have it; Charlie has been running up quite a tab partying on Tommy's smack and if he wants the party to continue he needs to swipe something he can sell for cash?NOW! And if Charlie doesn't like the idea now, let's see how he feels after Tommy cuts off his drug supple for a few days. Back on the island that night, Boone is on sentry detail. As the torches burn on the perimeter, and the waves gently crash against the shore, he struggles to keep his eyes open -- listening for the sound of the tripwire and the cans. Maybe he can rest his eyes for one brief second? Surely he's got that long to?BANG! Boone opens his eyes, its morning! Oh no, how long was he asleep? He goes off, spear at the ready to investigate, but the only intruder he finds is Vincent, the dog. But just as he is letting himself off the hook we hear a SCREAM from down by the water. Oh my God?one of the castaways is dead. And whatever killed him, it wasn't an accident.

As the castaways bury one of their own, Claire again starts to feel people looking at her. Some look with pity, but some look with (is that contempt?) something else. Finally she can't take it anymore and asks Shannon why she is staring at her. Shannon is shocked? "You mean nobody has told you?"

Claire confronts Charlie, furious that he lied to her when she asked him what was going on earlier. Charlie says that he just wanted to take care of her, but she isn't interested.

FLASHBACK to Charlie adjusting the tie on the brand new suit that Lucy has bought him for his first day of work tomorrow. He is coming down off a very long bender and doesn't look so good, but when Lucy asks him about it he blames it on "nerves." When she is out of the room, Charlie swipes a jeweled cigarette case and places it in his pocket.

Jack and Locke discuss their options. They can't keep waiting around for Ethan to kill them one by one, but he has the advantage of the terrain. Jack says he has something that will help even the odds and gives Locke one of the 9mm guns from the case. They enlist Sawyer and Sayid as well and even Kate gets in on the team when they realize they have another gun (the one from the Marshal's holster). Charlie is desperate to go with them, but he simply isn't qualified. He leaves feeling frustrated and useless.

We FLASHBACK once more to Charlie in the middle of his sales call. It is a disaster and poor Charlie ends up throwing up all over the boardroom.

Back on the island, Claire has decided that she isn't going to let anyone else die for her and she agrees to act as bait in order to try and capture Ethan. Jack, Kate, Sayid, Locke and Sawyer lie in wait until Ethan makes his move and then Jack POUNCES on Ethan, losing his gun in the tussle. They go back and forth in a vicious fight and Jack shows a side of himself we haven't yet seen. He beats Ethan into submission and the others arrive with their guns to ensure he doesn't get away. Now, it's time to get some answers, but Ethan is shot several times from off screen. We reveal Charlie who followed the team out on their "hunt" and picked up Jack's gun when he lost it in the fight. As Ethan dies all hopes of an interrogation are lost.

Back at camp Jack asks Charlie why he did it. Charlie tells us that he wasn't going to let that animal get near Claire ever again. And there's one more thing -- "He deserved it."

We FLASHBACK to see Charlie pounding on a door. When it finally opens, Lucy gives Charlie exactly what he deserves -- her contempt. All she wants to know is, if all Charlie wanted was to rob her, why did he take the job? Charlie tells her he wanted to show her that he could be respectable?that he could take care of her. What she says in return has obviously stayed with Charlie a long, long time: "You'll never take care of anyone."

Back at camp, the castaways are returning to their version of calm. The only person who feels more alone than Charlie is Claire, and when she tells Charlie that she remembers peanut butter, it's enough to sustain him for another day at least. As he allows the first smile in a long time to cross his face, he takes the first step toward rebuilding their friendship. "It was imaginary peanut butter, actually."

114 Lost: "Special" Special

Locke: "As long as we're here, I think Walt should be allowed to realize his potential."

Michael scans the jungle, looking for Walt. He runs into Hurley and Jack, who haven't seen him. Michael sighs, frustrated, but continues on. Hurley says that Michael seems to hate being a father. But in the FLASHBACK, Michael is clearly thrilled about becoming a father and wants the best for his soon to be born son. As he and his girlfriend Susan shop for cribs, Michael tells Susan that he plans on doing some construction for extra money while she finishes law school. Susan is concerned about Michael giving up his art, but Michael insists that he can go back to that later. Right now, they have to prepare for baby "Walt" - named for Michael's father. Susan agrees, but wants to give Walt her last name - they aren't married yet, after all. And off their playful banter we ...

...return to the jungle, where Locke teaches Walt how to throw a knife as Boone looks on. Walt misses the tree several times, but Locke encourages him and tells him to picture success in his minds eye. Walt throws the knife a final time and hits his mark, amazing Boone and impressing Locke. Michael comes upon this scene and sends Walt back to camp, furious with Locke about letting his boy play with knives. The discussion gets heated when Boone suddenly lunges at Michael to protect Locke. They wrestle on the ground until Locke breaks them up. Locke explains that Walt is a special child who should be treated like an adult and allowed to realize his full potential. Michael orders Locke to stay away from his son.

We FLASHBACK to baby Walt, as Michael and Susan argue over him. Susan tells Michael about a huge job opportunity in Amsterdam and that she plans on taking Walt with her - she and Michael need some time apart. When Michael refuses to let Walt go with her, Susan calls his bluff - she can provide better for Walt and a court would certainly side with the child's mother. Michael looks down at his son, heartbroken.

On the island, Sun approaches Michael as he sits by a camp fire, watching Walt sleep. Michael admits that while he doesn't really know how to be a father, he knows it wouldn't be a good thing for his son to grow up on the island. Determined, he heads out to talk to Jack and Sayid about building a raft. When Jack and Sayid scoff at the idea, Michael takes the project as his own. He finds Walt reading through a familiar comic book - the one with the polar bear from the first episode - and enlists his help.

We FLASHBACK to Michael, at a pay-phone, begging to speak with Walt. He can hear a man's voice in the background and learns that Susan has been seeing her boss, Brian. Michael threatens to come to Amsterdam to get his son. He slams down the phone down and charges across the street when he's suddenly mowed down by a passing car.

Back on the island, Charlie searches through Claire's things, looking for clues and some sort of comfort and finds that her diary is missing. Kate leads Charlie to Sawyer, sure that's where they'll find it. But Sawyer doesn't give anything up without a fight and teases Charlie about the diary, knowing he's curious as to what Claire wrote about him. Charlie finally slugs him, grabs the diary and storms off. Only then does Sawyer admit to Kate that he hadn't gotten around to actually reading it.

Walt and Michael continue to scavenge for materials to build the raft - metal, tubes, cushions, plastic and tarp. When Walt spots Locke and Boone heading back toward the caves, he tells Michael he's going to get some water so that he can secretly follow them. As Locke and Boone return to camp, Shannon intercepts her brother, questioning why he and Locke haven't scored any boar on their hunts. She suggests Boone's time would be better spent if he came with her to help Michael on the raft. But the dynamic between them has clearly shifted and Boone flatly refuses the invitation. Meanwhile, Locke tells Walt to respect his father's wishes and not come around anymore. Michael drops in on them, incredulous at seeing Locke with his son again. Locke explains that he told Walt he wouldn't be spending any more time with him and offers Michael a mechanical pencil as a peace offering. Michael won't accept it and tells Locke that if he catches him with his son again, he'll kill him. Walt calls his father a jerk for sending Locke away and for not being around when he was growing up - "You only showed up when mom died. You're not my father." And though we can see this stings, Michael tells Walt that he's going to have to learn to listen to him. He orders Walt to stay put and tosses his comic book into the fire.

We FLASHBACK to a hospital room, where we find Michael, in a wheelchair, post accident, working on a detailed drawing. He tells the nurse that he's making a card for his sons 2nd birthday. Susan shows up, concerned that she hasn't heard from him in two months. Michael is disappointed that she didn't bring Walt, but happy to see her nonetheless. When Susan offers to pay all of Michael's medical costs, he intuits that she has something up her sleeve. Susan reveals that she and Brian plan to move to Italy and that Brian wants to adopt Walt. She tells Michael to consider what's really best for Walt over his feelings.

Back on the island, Hurley tells Michael that Walt and the dog took off. Michael heads straight for Locke, who insists that he doesn't know where Walt is. Off Michael's concerned look, Locke volunteers to help find him. In the jungle, Walt and Vincent are startled by a noise. Vincent breaks free from his leash and Walt gives chase.

We FLASHBACK to Walt, staring at Vincent as Susan and Brian discuss their day's work. When Walt interrupts them, Susan tells him to do his homework. But Walt says that he needs help with his report on birds of Australia. Susan suddenly feels sick, drawing focus away from Walt. And as Walt continues to call out for attention, as kids often do, a bird crashes into the sliding glass door that leads into their living room. Brian looks down at Walt, a little freaked over this odd occurrence.

Back in the jungle, Walt searches for Vincent, when he's startled by another noise. We FLASHBACK to Michael's apartment this time. He opens his front door to find Brian at his doorstep with bad news - Susan is dead. Brian confesses that he doesn't want to be a father - he adopted Walt because Susan wanted it. He offers Michael plane tickets and money. And though Michael would like nothing more, he puts Walt's best interests first and says that Walt needs Brian now - he is the only father Walt really knows. But Brian claims that he can't take care of Walt and hints that there is something "different" about the boy.

On the island, Michael and Locke come across Vincent's leash and hear Walt cry for help. We FLASHBACK to Australia, where Michael has come for Walt. A nanny tells him that Walt will be home shortly and gives him a box filled with unopened cards and letters - everything Michael has sent his son over the last eight years.

In the jungle, Walt finds himself trapped inside the vines of a Banyan tree with a giant polar bear lurking outside. We FLASHBACK a final time to the same house in Australia. Walt returns from school and finds Michael in his living room. But the two are complete strangers - Walt doesn't even recognize his own father until Michael ID's himself as such. Michael tells Walt he's going to take care of him now and tries to comfort him by using the dog. But Walt informs Michael that Vincent is Brian's dog. Michael tells Walt that Brian said he could have Vincent.

Still in danger, Walt calls for his Dad. Michael and Locke come upon the Banyan tree and walk a tightrope of vines to reach Walt. Seeing that the polar bear is on attack, Locke throws Michael a knife, which Michael drops down to Walt. Walt uses the knife to fend off the polar bear, allowing Michael to make his way down to Walt. Michael wraps some vines around his son's waist and Locke pulls Walt to safety. The bear returns and paws at Michael, who finally plunges the knife into the bear's neck, injuring it and driving it away. Walt worries about Vincent, but Locke reminds him that the dog returned once and assures him that it will return again. Michael gives Locke an appreciative smile.

Later, at a campfire, Michael is finally able to share his cards and letters with Walt who is surprised to learn that his father wrote him and confused that his mother never gave them to him. Michael tells Walt that she saved them because she must have wanted him to have them someday - and that someday is now. Meanwhile, Charlie finally gives in and reads Claire's diary. He finds some entries pertaining to him and reads that he made Claire feel safe. He also finds some entries pertaining to a dream about a 'black rock.' Charlie takes this information to Sayid, who confirms the mention of a 'black rock' in the French woman's paper. They speculate that this may be where they will find Claire - but not in the middle of the night. And out in the jungle, Locke and Boone search for Vincent when they see something rustling through the leaves. Concerned that it may not be the dog, Locke pulls his knife - but it's Claire who emerges from the bushes, dazed and confused, but still alive?

113 Lost: "Hearts and Minds" Review

Boone: "So the player got played. Poetic, don't you think?"

Boone's eye opens -- he's staring at something. From his POV we see Sayid enjoying an easy conversation with his sister, Shannon. Hurley interrupts Boone, asking him why he and Locke haven't brought back any boars lately? Boone is offended and tells Hurley that hunting boar isn't as easy as he thinks. Hurley reminds Boone that everybody needs protein -- this isn't a game.

We FLASHBACK to a posh tennis club. Boone is just leaving the court with a lady friend when he gets a call on his cell phone. It's Shannon - - she's crying and we can hear shouting in the background. She begs Boone for help, asking him to come and get her. Boone asks her where she is and the answer serves as another piece of the LOST puzzle falling into place: "Sydney."

Back on the island, Boone confronts Sayid and tells her to stay away from his sister. Sayid doesn't seem the least bit intimidated, but Boone isn't backing down either. Before push comes to shove Locke calls Boone away, they have work to do. While trudging through the jungle, Locke counsels Boone not to make an enemy out of Sayid -- they are going to need him on their side?later. For now the important thing is to get back to the hatch.

Hurley finds Jack and asks him if he has anything to help his upset stomach. Jack asks Hurley a few questions and we discover the cause of his distress. Hurley has been eating nothing but fruit for the last week and his stomach is starting to complain -- they need protein, but there hasn't been any boar. Jack tells him to go and ask Jin for some fish, but Hurley tells Jack that Jin has it in for him because he refused to eat the sea urchin Jin caught the day they crashed. Later, when Jack recounts this story to Kate, she offers about a more disturbing possibility for the lack of boar meat lately. "What if Locke is not catching them on purpose?"

Meanwhile, back in the jungle, Locke and Boone contemplate how to open the hatch when we?

FLASHBACK to a house in Australia. When Boone rings the bell, Shannon's boyfriend, Brian answers. Boone enters looking for Shannon and when she arrives in the room, she looks surprised to see him. Boone reminds her of her frantic call to his cell phone, but she clams up and asks him to leave. While Brian has his back to her, Shannon pulls back her hair to reveal a nasty-looking bruise on her face -- a silent cry for help to Boone.

Back on the beach, Hurley's desperation has forced him to approach Jin. He asks him to teach him how to fish, but Jin has no idea what Hurley is saying. Still, as Jin walks to the water for day's fishing, Hurley is following close behind.

At the hatch, Boone tries to convince Locke to tell the others about their discovery. If not everyone else, at least Shannon. Locke tells Boone she isn't ready to know ant that telling her now will only cause problems, but Boone insists -- he's going to tell her when they get back to camp. Locke feels that Shannon has too large an influence over Boone's life, but tells him the decision is his. But when Boone starts off again down the trail, Locke whacks him over the head with the handle of a knife, knocking him out cold.

Boone wakes up to find he is tied to a tree. Locke sits before him mixing a strange concoction in a coconut bowl. Boone begs Locke to untie him, but Locke refuses and then comes over and spreads some of his concoction over Boone's open head wound. Locke tells Boone that he is on his own and he leaves a knife?just out of Boone's reach. "You can cut yourself free and make your way back to camp," Locke says, "With the proper motivation."

We FLASHBACK to Boone at an Australian police station. While attempting to file a complaint against Brian, we learn an interesting bit of information. Shannon and Boone are not blood related - - his mother married her father when they were children. The police can't help Boone, so he decides to take another approach. He finds Brian at work on the docks and tells him to get out of Shannon's life. When Brian scoffs, telling Boone that he loves Shannon, Boone decides to get to the point and asks what his love is worth. Showing his true colors, Brian names his price - - $50,000 US dollars.

Back on the island, Kate and Sun are working in a garden that Sun has made. Kate is taking advantage of the safety zone (Sun can't understand her) and is speaking freely about herself. When she says something funny, Sun can't help but laugh and Kate realizes that Sun can speak English. Sun begs Kate not to tell anyone.

Meanwhile, back at the beach, Hurley is trying his best to mimic everything Jin does in an attempt to catch some fish of his own. Having no luck at all, he throws down his makeshift net in frustration and storms back to the beach, but he steps on a sea urchin and howls out in pain. Jin helps him back to the beach and Hurley begs him to urinate on his foot in order to prevent infection. English or no, Jin understands this request?and flatly refuses.

Back in the jungle, Boone struggles to free himself, but there is no way of reaching the knife. Suddenly, he hears Shannon screaming from another part of the jungle. When he asks her for help, she tells him that she is tied up too. And there's a bigger problem?the monster is back. And it's coming their way! Now with Shannon's safety in mind, Boone is able to contort himself just enough to get the knife and he cuts himself loose before following Shannon's screams to her locations and cutting her loose as well. There is not a second to spare and they both sprint off to avoid the monster hot on their heels. They hide in a mangrove trunk and pray the monster will go away.

We FLASHBACK to the same house in Australia. Boone has paid Brian off and is coming to collect Shannon and her things. But Shannon looks guilty and we learn why when Brian comes into the room and lays it all out for Boone -- he's been had. Shannon orchestrated the whole drama in an attempt to get money from Boone's mother. Boone is humiliated and his emotions get the better of him, resulting in a fight between him and Brian. Brian leaves the house bloodied and dejected.

Back in the jungle, the coast is clear. As Boone and Shannon make their way along the trail, Boone tells Shannon all about the hatch.

Jack and Charlie make a fire on the beach and jack asks Charlie for his opinion on Locke. Charlie doesn't hesitate to say that Locke is the one man on the island that he would trust his life to.

Kate and Sun continue to talk about the English secret. When Kate asks why Sun doesn't tell Jin, Sun tells Kate it's because she loves him -- asking Kate, "Haven't you ever lied to a man you loved?" But we're not getting that answer yet?

Back at camp, Hurley is sharing his tail of failure and sea urchin to Michael when Jin arrives and presents Hurley with his very own fish. He may not speak English, but he recognizes that Hurley made a good effort and this is his reward.

In the jungle Boone and Shannon are attacked by the monster again. And this time, try as they might they can't run fast enough and Shannon is snatched up by the beast. As Boone screams after her?

We FLASHBACK to Boone's hotel room in Sydney. He is packing when there is a knock on the door -- it's Shannon. She tells him that Brian took off with the money and now Shannon has no place to go. The player got played. Shannon latches on to Boone telling him that she knew he would bring the money?because he is in love with her. He always has been. Boone tells her she is drunk and crazy, but she comes closer and closer and Boone can't help himself. They fall into a passionate kiss, but the next morning, Shannon is ice cold towards Boone and tells him she wants things to go back the way they were, regardless of Boone's feelings.

Back on the island, Boone continues his desperate search for Shannon. But when he finds her bloody, crumpled body lying by the stream we all know he is too late. Booone weeps as she dies in his arms.

Later, finally making his way back to camp, Boone sees Locke sitting by the fire and attacks him, blaming Locke for Shannon's death. When Boone tells Locke that Shannon died in his arms, Locke asks Boone why there is no blood on him. And there isn't any! Just as Boone is going to ask what happened, Shannon comes into view. She's alive and well and chatting happily with Sayid. Locke tells Boone that the concoction he spread on his head wound was a hallucinogenic that allowed Boone to have his "vision." When he asks Boone how he felt when Shannon died, Boone can't help but give the honest answer? "I felt relieved." Satisfied that Boone has finally learned to let go of Shannon, Locke tells Boone to "follow me." After a final look at his sister, the disciple follows his master back into the woods.

112 Lost: "Whatever the Case May Be" Review

Sawyer: "Impact velocity. Physics, my ass."

Kate is out climbing trees for fruit when she runs into Sawyer. They walk through an unexplored part of the jungle, hear the sound of running water and come into a clearing to find a waterfall. They climb to the top and dive into the water to find that this lagoon is not as perfect as it looked. On the bottom, still strapped to their airplane seats, they find two bodies. Horrified, they surface, but Sawyer wants to dive back down and see if he can find any valuables. Kate spots a silver Haliburton case, which she brings up and claims as her own - however, she doesn't have the key, which leads Sawyer to believe otherwise. Kate attempts to act as if the case doesn't matter to her and hands it over to Sawyer.

Back at the beach, people scurry to salvage their belongings as the tide comes up and threatens the fuselage. Jack presses Sayid for information regarding the French woman. Sayid explains that he has to translate the maps and papers in order to make sense of anything. Meanwhile, on another part of the beach, Shannon interrogates Boone as to where he's been - he's been leaving everyday at sunrise and returning after dark. Boone claims he's been out looking for Claire and tells Shannon she's been absolutely useless.

As the sun sets on another day, Kate sits by the campfire, obviously disturbed that Sawyer has the Haliburton case and whatever it may hold. We FLASHBACK to find Kate at a bank, opening a new account, when three armed men enter and order everyone on the ground. Robber #1 tells the Bank Manager to open the money cage before people start getting killed.

Back on the island, Kate sneaks up on Sawyer in an attempt to lift the case out from under his legs. But Sawyer wakes up and grabs Kate in a leg lock. Kate gives him a head butt and escapes. She demands Sawyer hand over the Haliburton, but in typical Sawyer fashion, he refuses, now very intrigued by what this case means to Kate.

The next day, Sayid approaches Shannon as she lies on the beach sunbathing and requests her help in translating the papers he took from the French woman, Rousseau. And while she suspects Boone may have put Sayid up to it, she agrees to try in order to prove herself useful. Meanwhile, Sawyer attempts to pick the lock on the Haliburton. Michael and Hurley tell him how futile it is, but Sawyer claims he can pick the lock on anything. Michael tells him the only way to open it would be to hit it with something hard - like the axe?

?which Boone carries through the jungle, where he meets up with Locke. After convincing Locke that no one saw him take the axe, they head off on an unknown mission.

Sawyer attempts to smash the Halliburton open on a rock, but much to his frustration it still won't crack. He climbs to the top of a tree and drops it on some boulders. Suddenly, Kate comes sneaking out of the woods and grabs the case. Sawyer climbs down and gives chase, eventually catching up and tackling her to the ground. Sawyer promises that if she tells him what's inside the case, he'll hand it over. But Kate remains silent as we --

-- FLASHBACK to the bank, where the robbers are getting violent. A customer near Kate attempts to take out Robber #2, knocking his gun loose and sending it skidding across the floor, landing at Kate's feet. The customer yells at her to pick it up. Kate fumbles with the gun and claims she doesn't know how to use it. Robber #1 grabs her and forcefully leads her into the back room, where we learn that they are in cahoots together when they lock lips in a passionate kiss.

Back at the caves, Kate approaches Jack to ask for his help in getting the Haliburton from Sawyer. Kate suggests they dig up the Marshal's body in order to get the key from his wallet. She tells Jack that the case contains four, 9-millimeter guns, which would be dangerous for Sawyer to have in his possession. But Jack knows there's something more to the story - there always is with Kate. He senses there must be something very important to her in that case and agrees to help her on one condition - that once they get the key, they open it together.

This leads to another FLASHBACK to the back room of the bank, where in order to make it look good, Robber #1 slugs "Maggie" across the face. He pushes her out to the front and puts a gun to her head, threatening to pull the trigger if the Manager doesn't hand over the keys to the cage. The Manager finally gives in and they march him over to the money.

On the island, Kate and Jack continue digging, revolted by the stench. They reach the Marshal's body, where Kate reaches into his pocket and lifts out his wallet. She opens it, but comes up empty handed. She hands the wallet over to Jack, who is quick to realize that Kate palmed the key. Angry with her for continuing to lie to him, Jack takes the key from her.

At the beach, Shannon continues her attempt to translate the papers, but Sayid is growing increasingly frustrated - the equations don't relate to her translations. Shannon suggests that the French woman may have been crazy after sixteen years alone on the island, which is why nothing makes sense. Sayid feels asking for Shannon's help may have been a mistake and when he verbalizes his regret, she picks up and leaves in a huff.

Meanwhile, Jack threatens to stop administering antibiotics to Sawyer if he doesn't give him the Haliburton. Sawyer reluctantly hands it over, but not before asking if Kate divulged the contents, to which Jack can only shake his head "no." Jack brings the case back to Kate and they begin to open it together, as agreed, when we --

-- FLASHBACK to the cage, where Robber #1 pockets bundles of cash. The Manager argues to let "the girl" go. But Robber #1 has different plans. He reveals that "the girl" is the mastermind behind the heist, before taking off his mask and aiming his gun at the Manager. Kate quickly spins and disarms Robber #2, leveling that gun on Robber #1 - "We said nobody gets hurt." But when Robber #1 continues advancing toward the Manager, Kate is forced to shoot him in the leg. The other Robbers react and each takes a bullet from Kate. Kate turns to the Manager and demands the keys to the Safety Deposit boxes. Robber #1 writhes on the ground, incredulous that Maggie would set them up. Kate responds, "My name's not Maggie". She gets the Manager's keys, and with her customer key, opens the box. Inside she finds a small green envelope.

Back on the island, Jack and Kate are about to open the Haliburton when Jack asks Kate if there is anything she wants to tell him first. When Kate says nothing, Jack proceeds to open the case. He pulls out the guns, the ammo and an envelope marked 'personal effects'. Kate takes it and opens it to find the smaller green envelope, which we recognize from the bank. She pulls out?a small toy airplane!? Jack asks if that's what she was looking for and demands to know the truth. Kate claims the plane belonged to the man she loved, then breaks down and admits it belonged to the man she killed. Angry and confused, Jack takes the guns and leaves.

On the new beach, people have settled around scattered campfires for the evening. Shannon approaches Sayid and tells him that she realized the words from the papers were lyrics to a song? "Beyond the Sea." And as Shannon sings the hauntingly beautiful song in French, we pull back to reveal Boone, watching from the shadows.

At a separate campfire, Kate stares at the toy plane with a tear in her eye.

111 Lost: "All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues" Review

Locke: "Go back. Be the doctor. Let me be the hunter."

Picking up right were we left off last week, the survivors react to the information that Ethan was not on the plane manifest. Fearing the worse, Jack and Locke rush out to locate Charlie and Claire. They come across Claire's bag and find a set of footprints with evidence that someone was dragged off. Jack calls to Charlie and Claire, but Locke urges him to be quiet - whoever took them could still be around. While Locke wants to organize a search party, Jack acts impetuously and runs off on his own.

We FLASHBACK -- to Jack in the OR, attempting to resuscitate a female patient. The Chief of Surgery enters and orders him to call the time of death. But Jack is determined and won't stop CPR. Everyone in the room can feel the tension between them until finally, the Chief steps up and calls it himself.

Back at camp, Locke gathers his gear with the intention of catching up with Jack. Kate and Boone volunteer to go along with him. But when Michael tries to volunteer, Locke tells him that another person would only slow them down. Feeling rejected, Michael threatens to put together his own search party.

Out in the jungle, with little to go on, Jack's search is proving futile. We FLASHBACK to the OR again, as he looks over the dead patient's body. The Chief berates Jack for taking over his surgery. Jack says that he stepped in because one of the nurses told him the Chief's hands were shaking and that he cut into the patient's artery. And we begin to realize just how personal this argument really is when Jack asks, "How many drinks did you have at lunch, Dad?" As their eyes lock, we recognize Jack's dad, Christian.

Back on the island, Locke, Kate and Boone catch up with Jack and realize he's been going in circles. Locke insists that he return to camp and look over Sayid, "You be the doctor, I'll be the hunter." But Jack refuses and follows after them.

At camp, Michael fills up water bottles, all the while complaining to Hurley that Locke treats him like a second class citizen. Walt defends Locke and advises his father to listen to him. Michael doesn't take this too well and in a competitive action, resolves to head south in search of Charlie and Claire.

Meanwhile, the northern search continues, but they're having trouble finding any leads. Locke wants to rest, but Jack insists they push on. Kate follows Jack in an attempt to find out what's driving him so hard. Jack reveals that he feels guilty about not believing Claire when she said that someone was trying to take her baby. Locke calls after them because he's found a piece of tape from Charlie's fingers. It seems that Charlie left them a trail. They follow it hopefully, until Locke picks up the footprints again. Locke wants to follow them, while Jack insists they continue on Charlie's trail. Kate points out that the footprints could be a trap. Since she seems to know an awful lot about tracking herself, they split in two - Kate with Jack follow Charlie's trail, while Locke with Boone continue to follow the footprints.

Back at the caves, Walt and Hurley play backgammon. The more Walt continues to win, the more his ability to, "make things happen" becomes apparent. Hurley leaves in utter defeat and frustration. Bored, Walt wanders down to the beach and spreads the news about Charlie and Claire. He runs into Sawyer and suggests that maybe they aren't the only people on the island. While Sawyer brushes him off, he can't help but be disturbed at the thought.

Out on the search, Locke & Boone get to know one another. Boone is surprised to learn of Locke's meager existence in the real world -John Locke was a Regional Collections Supervisor for a box company. Meanwhile, Jack attempts to get to know Kate a little better, asking her to give him something honest for once and tell him where she picked up her tracking skills. Kate tells Jack that her father was in the army and that he taught her about tracking when they would go hiking together. And off that revelation about Kate's father, we go to -

-- a FLASHBACK with Jack's father, who encourages his son to sign off on the death report, which conveniently leaves out the part about his father's mistakes. Jack refuses to sign, insisting that his father was impaired, which is what ultimately led to the woman's death. Jack's father reminds him that he is on the hook too -Jack is the surgeon on record when the woman died. He begs his son not to contradict the report or mention anything about the involvement of alcohol - it would cost him his license. He further appeals to his son's emotions, telling him just what he wants to hear: He's been hard on him to make him the best surgeon in the city. Jack's father promises that it will never happen again and Jack signs the papers.

Back on the island, Sawyer goes to the caves to talk to Sayid. The hostility between them is still palpable and while we think Sawyer may have come for payback, we soon learn he's there to have some questions answered - what did Sayid find while he was away? Sayid shares information of the French woman and her team, but points out that what she said may or may not be true. Sawyer pushes for more information, but Sayid admits that he doesn't have the answers.

Out in the jungle, Locke & Boone are hot on the trail. Locke senses that it's going to rain and warns Boone against impending danger ahead. He tries to convince him to go back to camp. But Boone refuses and follows Locke deeper into the jungle as it begins to pour. Meanwhile, Jack and Kate hear the roar of the monster as we --

-- FLASHBACK - to the hospital, where Jack sees his father conversing with the deceased woman's husband in the hallway. A nurse tells Jack that the man has threatened to sue. Jack watches his father work his persuasive magic and console the husband.

In real time, Jack and Kate run and are separated. Jack slips and slides down a bank into a puddle of mud. He looks up to see Ethan standing over him. Ethan orders Jack to stop following him. But when Jack asks who he is and where Charlie and Claire are, Ethan delivers a healthy punch to Jack's face, knocking him back down. He tells Jack once again to stop following him or he'll kill one of his people. Jack attempts to fight him off, but Ethan is too strong and gains the upper hand, telling Jack this is his last warning and knocking him out. Kate finds Jack and suggests that Ethan may have been a hallucination - he fell pretty hard and banged his head. But Jack is sure Ethan was there and is now more determined than ever to find Charlie and Claire.

We FLASHBACK to a medical review board, where Jack's father details what happened during the fateful surgery. Jack can barely stomach listening to his father's lies. When he learns that the patient in question was pregnant, he can no longer hold his tongue and speaks out against his father, revising his statement to include the fact that his father was operating under the influence and severed the patient's artery. Jack's father stares at his son, shocked by this act of betrayal.

Back in the jungle, Jack and Kate come across Charlie, strung up by his neck, hanging from a tree limb. Kate struggles to climb the tree and cut him down as Jack holds him up. She finally succeeds and Jack works to resuscitate him. It becomes increasingly clear that Charlie is gone and Kate has to pull Jack away - but Jack won't give up, and after beating on Charlie's chest, he gets him to breathe again.

Back at camp, Michael returns without success, disappointing Walt; Kate tells Shannon her brother is safe with Locke; and Jack tries to get Charlie to talk about what happened - but Charlie is experiencing a sort of shellshock and can only convey that all Ethan wanted was Claire.

Out in the jungle, Boone is ready to turn back, the bravado replaced by fear. But his mind changes when he and Locke make an extraordinary discovery - something metal embedded in the ground - and it's not a piece of the wreckage. Excited, Locke vows to find out exactly what it is.

110 Lost: "Raised by Another" Review

Charlie: "Dear Diary: Still on the bloody island; today, I swallowed a bug. Love, Claire."

Claire wakes to the sound of a baby crying, opens her eyes and looks down to find that she's no longer pregnant. She follows the cries to find Locke, sitting at a desk in the middle of the jungle. He relays a cryptic message to Claire?"He was your responsibility, but you gave him away. Everyone pays the price now." Then he looks up and Claire sees that one eye is light, the other dark. She runs away and stumbles upon a baby's crib, above which hangs a mobile with miniature Oceanic planes spinning in a circle. Claire reaches down to pick up the crying baby?but the crib is empty. She peels back the white blankets to discover her hands are covered in blood. Claire screams. A hand falls on her shoulder?she turns and wakes again to find Charlie, who tells her that she's having a nightmare. But his concern grows when he sees blood on her hands?

Charlie brings Claire to see Jack, who explains that she was sleepwalking and that the blood was a result of digging her fingernails into her palms. He questions her about her pregnancy?specifically about the date when she found out she was pregnant?which leads to?

A FLASHBACK?of Claire with her boyfriend Thomas. Both are panicked over the positive results of an EPT test. Claire is hesitant to accept the truth. But Thomas tells her that he loves her and convinces her that it could be a good thing for them to raise this baby together.

Back on the island, Charlie brings Claire some tea and offers to be her friend. But Claire is clearly hesitant again, unwilling to get close to him. Meanwhile, Kate tells Jack she is worried about Sayid, who has been gone for days.

Another FLASHBACK reveals Claire with a friend on a visit to see a psychic. The psychic seems legitimate when he asks Claire about her pregnancy. However, he refuses to go on with the reading when he sees something blurry in her future. With a look of panic on his face, he asks Claire to leave.

Back at the caves, Claire is sound asleep when someone sneaks up and covers her mouth. Charlie and Jack wake to her screams again and rush to her side. Though she appears to be alone, she claims that someone was trying to hurt her baby and stabbed her with some sort of needle. Charlie and Hurley immediately set out on the hunt while Jack tries to calm Claire. Hurley suggests they start to canvass, or at the very least, compile a list of names of each survivor on the island. In the meantime, Charlie volunteers to stay with Claire and look out for her.

Another FLASHBACK shows Claire and Thomas in the process of fixing up their apartment for the baby. But something is clearly wrong with Thomas, who's beginning to get cold feet and fears the responsibility of a baby. He goes as far as to suggest that Claire trapped him and walks out on her.

Back at the beach, Jack and Charlie talk to Kate. Jack expresses doubt that something actually happened to Claire -she was sleepwalking and woke up two nights in a row, screaming?her symptoms are textbook anxiety. Why would someone try to hurt her baby anyway? Jack is concerned that her stress level could trigger an early labor. He goes to Claire and offers her a sedative, suggesting that she may have been imagining things due to all the anxiety, to which Claire takes offense and packs up for the beach.

Hurley continues his census with a guy named Ethan Rom, while Claire walks toward the beach. We FLASHBACK to Claire re-visiting the psychic, offering him more money and requesting that he continue her reading -she needs to know the future now that Thomas is gone because she intends on giving up the baby for adoption. But the psychic tells her that it's crucial she raise this child herself, warning her that great danger will befall her if she gives it up. Claire runs out. But the psychic is persistent and calls her on the phone. He begins to offer an alternative solution, but Claire hangs up before he can finish.

On the island, Hurley gets registry info from Shannon & Boone. Boone suggests it might be easier if Hurley got the plane manifest from Sawyer. Hurley goes to Sawyer and doesn't even bother negotiating -he just comes out and asks. And, surprisingly, Sawyer gives it up.

Meanwhile, Charlie catches up with Claire on her way to the beach. Claire claims that the only reason Charlie wants to help her is because of his need to rescue the pregnant girl. As she tells him she doesn't need rescuing, she has a contraction. Charlie reluctantly runs to get Jack as we go into?

A FLASHBACK?to a lawyer's office, where Claire is about to sign papers giving up rights to her baby. But her pen runs out of ink and she can't bring herself to do it. She leaves and revisits the psychic, ready to take him up on his offer.

Charlie runs into Ethan and sends him to get Jack while he returns to Claire, whose contractions have stopped. Claire tells Charlie about the psychic as we?

FLASHBACK to the events she retells, where the psychic offers her money and a plane ticket to Los Angeles to meet a couple with whom the baby will be safe. But the tickets are for an Oceanic flight?and Charlie deduces that the psychic may have known about the plane crash all along and was consciously sending her and her baby to their death.

Meanwhile, Sayid returns to the camp with news of the French Woman, (a callback to the very first episode, when the survivors heard the French Transmission) announcing that they're not alone on the island. Hurley confirms this information with news that one of the survivors names wasn't on the manifest. And while returning to the caves, Claire and Charlie run into that survivor?Ethan Rom. Off of their terrified expressions, we cut to black.

109 Lost: "Solitary" Review

Nadia: "You'll find me in the next life, if not in this one."

Sayid sits alone on an unfamiliar stretch of beach. He stares at the photo of the Arab woman we saw Claire return to him in "Walkabout." After running his fingers lovingly over it and placing it back inside his pack, Sayid stands to continue his journey. But something catches his eye. A closer look reveals it as a piece of wire sticking out of the sand. Sayid pulls the wire, lifting it out of the sand, leading into the jungle.

On our beach, Kate tells Jack she's worried about Sayid ? it's been two days since he left. Jack tells her that Sayid is a trained soldier and can take care of himself.

Back in the jungle, Sayid continues to follow the cable until he sees something that causes him to stop in his tracks. There, hidden in the thick undergrowth of the jungle is a tripwire. Sayid carefully steps over the booby trap only to find that the wire was designed to get him to do exactly that. He's snatched into the air and slammed into a tree, impaling his leg on a branch. He continues to hang in the trap for a long time, quietly praying when he hears something coming. Caught between fear and hope, he calls out for help. The rope that's holding him is cut with one swipe of a machete and Sayid comes crashing to the ground. He's able to see the faint outline of someone coming towards him before he passes out.

At the caves, Jack is tending to the various ailments of the survivors. Hurley comments that everyone appears severely strung out. Jack tells Hurley at least they're surviving and they should be happy about that. Jack: "Things could be worse." Hurley: "How?"

As Sayid slowly regains consciousness, he hears a woman's voice ask, "Where is Alex?" When Sayid doesn't answer, the shadowy figure that belongs to the voice flips a switch and electricity surges through the wire bed frame that Sayid is tied to. His body jerks in response to the pain. Sayid begs her to stop and tries to tell her he doesn't know who Alex is, but the switch is flipped again and the light bulbs dim as the voltage is channeled to more painful use.

We FLASHBACK to an interrogation room where a younger, uniformed Sayid works over a prisoner tied to a chair. He beats him savagely until his victim relents. Sayid's superior, "Omar" is impressed enough to promote him and as they playfully tease each other outside the torture rooms, a female prisoner is led across their path. She and Sayid seem to share a flash of recognition, but before they can act on it, she is led away.

Night has fallen at the caves and Hurley is roused from his sleep when Locke returns to camp with some additional luggage he and another survivor found while out tracking game. As they leave it to Hurley to process for useful items, Walt wakes up and asks Locke if he can go hunting with him. Before Locke can answer, Michael wakes up and answers for him. No chance?

We rejoin Sayid in the island in midst of another jolt of electricity. He pleads with his captor, claiming he doesn't know who Alex is! He survived a plane crash and heard a distress call that a French woman left?one that has been playing for sixteen years. When his captor repeats the distress call, we realize that Sayid is being held by the FRENCH WOMAN herself! As she comes into frame and reveals her wild eyes, she tells Sayid that she knows who he really is and knocks him out again.

When he comes to once more, Sayid sees the French Woman rummaging through his pack. He takes a moment to look around her habitat and notices a name stenciled on the back of a jacket. He says it aloud, "Rousseau." But hearing her name only makes her more suspicious and she wants to know more about Sayid. She finds the photos in his backpack and asks him who the woman is. And that question is answered when we FLASHBACK to the prison where we saw Sayid earlier. He has been given a new prisoner to interrogate, but when he steps inside to begin his questions, he discovers this is no ordinary prisoner?it's the woman who crossed his path in the previous flashback. She calls Sayid by his given name and we learn that they grew up together, when he knew her as "Nadia." She wonders how the boy she liked so much as a child could willingly serve the regime of Saddam Hussein. She shows him the scars that mark the other interrogations she has suffered through and says she will tell him nothing. Sayid: "Then I'm going to hurt you." Nadia: "I know."

Back in real time, the French Woman wants to know if the woman in the photo is on the island. Sayid tells her that she is dead because of him. This admission seems to form a connection with the French Woman who tells Sayid her name is "Danielle" and shares that she knows what it is like to lose a love. Sayid asks if she means "Alex", but she says it was Robert, a fellow scientist stranded with Danielle when their research vessel sank off the island years ago.

Meanwhile, at the caves, Michael is in the middle of showing Jack his design for an ingenious shower system when Charlie summons them to a grassy hill over the ocean where they are met with something totally unexpected?even for this island. A golf bag was found in the wreckage and Hurley has been busy constructing a primitive 2-hole golf course to raise spirits.

Back at Danielle's habitat, she shows Sayid a broken music box that Robert gave her. Sayid offers to fix it?if she will untie his hands. She goes to a cabinet and removes an ancient hypodermic syringe, using sandpaper to remove the rust from the needle itself. As Sayid begs her not to do it, she jabs him in the leg and sends him under. When he comes to, Sayid is chained to a desk by his feet and the music box is waiting in front of him. She mentions the presence of the "others", but when Sayid asks if she has actually seen other people on the island, she says no. However, she claims to hear them?out there in the jungle. They whisper?

We FLASHBACK to the prison in Iraq as Sayid enters Nadia's cell with some food?and a seemingly genuine concern for her. Sayid shows her a series of photos and begs her to simply nod at the one who helped plan the bombing he's been investigating. If she does just that, he's sure he can get her released. And though we can see her affection for Sayid, Nadia won't do it.

Back in real time, Sayid uses the tools Danielle provided to work on the mechanics and soon it is playing just like new. As Danielle revels in the joy of the music, Sayid asks her to let him go. He now realizes that he must return to his friends. If they have any hope of rescue, they must all work together. Danielle tells him he can't leave, he needs her if he wants to survive?and as they are arguing there is a menacing ROAR from outside. Danielle immediately springs into action, grabbing her rifle, a knife and extra ammo. "Maybe it's one of the bears," she says. "Dinner." Sayid asks her to untie him so he can go with her. She tells him no?she knows he will only run off. As she is climbing out of the habitat, Sayid warns her that it might be the monster. Danielle looks at Sayid with a mixture of pity and reassurance?"Poor Sayid," she says. "There are no such things as monsters." As soon as she leaves the habitat, Sayid opens his hand to reveal a tiny screwdriver he managed to palm without Danielle seeing. He uses it to break free and he quickly gathers his things. He takes the many charts and maps on the table, stuffs them into his backpack and grabs the spare rifle before climbing his way out.

In FLASHBACK we go once more to the Iraqi prison to learn that Sayid has been ordered to shoot Nadia. He argues for more time, but Omar orders him to get on with it?it's been months and she's given them nothing. Sayid marches Nadia under armed guard toward the killing room. When they reach the room, he dismisses the other guards, telling them he'll take over from there. Once they're out of sight, he removes Nadia's hood and leads her to a door. He tells her that there's a truck outside that will be leaving for Baghdad in a few minutes?if she hurries, she can hide in the back and escape before anyone notices. As he removes her chains, Omar comes from behind and demands to know what's going on. Sayid's face answers the question for him and as he pulls his sidearm, Sayid draws his own and shoots Omar. Nadia begs Sayid to come with him, but he tells her he can't. If he deserts, Saddam's forces will murder his entire family. Nadia manages to write something on the back the familiar photo that Sayid carries before fleeing out the door.

Back in the jungle, Sayid struggles on his bad leg to escape. He hears someone coming and hides just in time to see Danielle looking for him. He gets the drop on her and tells her to throw down her weapon, but she won't listen. He tells her if she doesn't drop the gun, he'll have to shoot her, but she still raises the gun into firing position. Sayid is forced to pull the trigger ? CLICK. Nothing happens. Danielle tells Sayid that she removed the firing pin. After an impassioned exchange between them, Danielle agrees to let Sayid leave, but refuses to come back with him. Sayid has one final question before he leaves, "Who is Alex?" Danielle has a look of sadness when she answers, "Alex was my child."

Meanwhile, in the valley, the whole camp is watching the first "Island Open" as Jack, Charlie and Michael battle it out on the golf course. People are actually laughing for what seems like the first time since they crashed here. Even Sawyer manages to share the moment with the others. But not everyone is at the Golf tournament. As Locke practices throwing one of his knives into the trunk of a tree, Walt emerges from the brush. He asks Locke to teach him. After considering the question for a moment, Locke turns the knife around and hands it to Walt. As he takes it, we are left to wonder just what he has begun?

As night falls, Sayid struggles to make his way back to the beach. The wind howls around him and for a moment he thinks he hears something?the whispering of voices. As we push in on Sayid, we are left to wonder whether the wind is playing tricks on him or?if there really is something out there.

108 Lost: "Confidence Man" Review

Jack: "It doesn't have to be this way."
Sawyer: "Yeah, it does."

Kate is out collecting bananas when she comes across a copy of the book Waterhsip Down on the beach. She looks over to find Sawyer taking a swim. He emerges naked from the surf and shamelessly flirts with her. As Kate questions if his tactics work on all the girls, we FLASHBACK to Sawyer in bed with a woman named Jessica ? and his southern charm has certainly worked its magic this time around. They bask in the afterglow and seem very much in love. But Sawyer hops out of bed, claiming that he's late for a meeting. When he reaches for his briefcase, it spills open, revealing bundles of cash.

Back in the jungle, Sawyer approaches the hiding spot where he keeps his stash and finds Boone going through his things. Off Boone's scared expression we go to the caves, where Jack tends to Sayid's head wound as Sayid explains that whoever hit him also destroyed the transceiver. Sayid vows to find the person responsible. Boone stumbles back into camp, bloody and beaten. He explains that Shannon has asthma and has run out of refills for her inhaler. He went to see Sawyer because he caught him reading Waterhsip Down ? a book that Boone had in his bag; the same bag that carried the refills. Boone tells Jack that Sawyer refused to give up the refills and attacked him.

On the beach, Charlie delivers water to Claire. He tells her that he's worried about her and attempts to talk her into moving to the caves. But Claire wants to stay on the beach, holding onto hope of rescue.

Jack confronts Sawyer about with-holding the inhaler refills that could help Shannon. He begins rifling through Sawyer's things and the two almost come to blows, but Kate interrupts them, diffusing the tense situation. Jack leaves Sawyer, who pulls out a familiar piece of paper ? one that we recognize from the pilot ? and begins to read, which launches into a FLASHBACK ?

? to the hotel room where we last left him. Jessica is more than curious about all the cash Sawyer has in his briefcase. Sawyer explains that it's his life savings ? $140,000 ? but only half of what he needs to buy into a share of an oil mining operation. He's meeting with an investor who may supply the other half. Jessica's intrigued and offers a way to get the rest of the money without the investor ? through her husband.

Back on the island, Kate tries to calm Jack down. She offers to talk to Sawyer, claiming she can reason with him because, "they have a connection". Kate approaches Sawyer and attempts to appeal to his sense of capitalism. She asks what he wants in exchange for the inhaler refills and Sawyer requests a kiss. Kate doesn't buy that this is what he wants and tries to get under Sawyer's skin by mentioning his 'letter' ? the one she's seen him read several times before. Sawyer turns dark at the mention of the letter, forcing Kate to read it out loud. We learn that the letter was written by a young boy who implicates Sawyer in a scam against his parents, which led to an affair with his mother, driving his father to kill his mother and then himself. Meanwhile, out in the jungle, Sayid questions Locke on his whereabouts when he was attacked. Locke claims he was out hunting and points Sayid in Sawyers direction ? someone who's been profiting from their current circumstance. Locke gives Sayid one of his knives to protect him from another potential attack.

At the caves, Shannon is in the throes of an asthma attack, as Sun looks on concerned. Sawyer strolls into camp for water, which infuriates Jack, who finally takes a satisfying swing at him. But Sawyer is defiant and doesn't fight back. Jack is left to walk away and off Sawyer's look we ?

? FLASHBACK ? to an upscale restaurant, where Sawyer, posing as Jessica's co-worker at the bank, explains the oil opportunity to her husband, David. But David is skeptical. Sawyer seems unphased and walks away, but David has second thoughts and calls out to Sawyer, who stops with a grin plastered across his face. Sawyer leaves the money with David in an act of good faith and tells him he'll wait for a decision.

Back at the beach, Charlie and Claire discuss the comforts they miss at home ? but all Charlie can think of is food. Claire admits that she too misses food and is especially craving peanut butter. Charlie makes a deal with her ? if he produces peanut butter, she moves to the caves, where, at the moment, Shannon is having a much more severe attack and Jack has to talk her down. He storms out to confront to Sawyer again. Sayid follows him and suggests that he knows a way to get what they want out of Sawyer ? he was, after all, in the Iraqi Republican Guard. And Jack, having had no luck at reasoning or fighting with Sawyer, can only agree.

Meanwhile, Charlie hunts for peanuts to make peanut butter, while Sun shares a remedy for Shannon with Michael. On the beach, Sayid sneaks up on Sawyer while he's sleeping and clubs him over the head. He and Jack drag Sawyer out into the woods and tie him to a tree, much to Kate's objection. Jack attempts to reason with Sawyer one last time. But when Sawyer refuses to produce the inhalers, Sayid goes about torturing him with bamboo reeds under his nails. Jack can barely stand to watch and calls Sayid off. But there's more going on here for Sayid, who thinks Sawyer is the one who attacked him in the previous episode. Sayid pulls out Locke's knife and threatens to put it through Sawyer's eye. This gets Sawyer to agree to talk ? but only to Kate.

In FLASHBACK ? we visit Sawyer in a pool-hall, where he explains to his to his 'boss', Mr. Kilo, that he left his money with the mark in order to earn his trust. He explains that the wives are easy, but that the husbands need to think they're smarter than him. Kilo tells Sawyer he had better be right and demands his money, plus fifty percent, by noon the next day.

Back on the island, Sawyer wonders if Kate is going to let Shannon suffer over one little kiss, which he asks for shamelessly and she agrees to selflessly ? but what starts as a mercy kiss turns into something more?there's chemistry between them and she may actually be enjoying it. When they break, Sawyer announces that he really doesn't have the inhalers; the copy of Waterhsip Down simply washed up on shore. And Kate smacks him, hard. She tells Jack and Sayid that Sawyer doesn't have what they need. But Sayid maintains that Sawyer is lying and goes back to resume his torture to find that he has worked himself free from the ropes. Sayid attacks Sawyer wielding Locke's knife. They tussle and Sawyer ends up with a slashed artery. Jack pinches off the blood flow, literally holding Sawyer's life in his hands. He sends Sayid to get medical supplies. And as Sawyer drifts in and out of consciousness ?

? we FLASHBACK a final time, to David and Jessica's home, where Sawyer is about to close the deal and walk away with $300,000. But when David and Jessica's young son emerges from the bedroom, Sawyer can't bring himself to do it. He calls things off, inadvertently reveals his affair with Jessica and leaves the money behind.

Back on the island, Sawyer sleeps, recovering with a few stitches in his arm. He wakes up to find Kate sitting nearby with his letter. She explains to him that since she first read it, she's been feeling that something wasn't quite right. So she continued to read it ? over and over again, when it occurred to her that he wrote the letter ? and a 1976 Bicentennial postmark on the envelope confirms it. Sawyer admits that he was just an 8 year old kid when he wrote it. He explains that when he was nineteen, he got into trouble where he owed a lot of money to some very scary men, so he took the name of the man he was hunting and became a "confidence man" himself. But just when we think Sawyer is softening by opening up to Kate, he shuts down and chases her away.

Elsewhere, Sun brings eucalyptus leaves to Shannon, helping her to breathe, while Charlie brings some 'imaginary' peanut butter to Claire and convinces her to come to the caves. Sayid tells Kate he's leaving the camp because he can't face what he did to Sawyer ? he plans to walk the shore and map the island. And Sawyer takes a lighter to his letter, about to burn it, but he's unable to go through with it and pockets the letter, right along with his anger?

Tuesday 13 November 2007

107 Lost: "The Moth" Review

Jack: "Charlie found a way out."
Hurley to Charlie: "Dude, you rock."

We open on the eye of a guitar and pan up to find Charlie, struggling to play the chords that once came easily. He's going through the initial stages of withdrawal -sweating, nervous and agitated. Locke encourages him to take a walk, but Charlie refuses.

Meanwhile, Jack tries in vain to convince Kate to come to the caves and Sawyer moves into the infirmary tent on the beach.

Charlie walks through the woods, hears what he thinks might be the monster and runs. We FLASHBACK to a confessional booth, where Charlie confesses to giving in to the temptations that come with his rock-star lifestyle. On the advice of the priest, Charlie considers quitting the band, until his brother Liam delivers news that they've been signed to a recording contract.

Back in real time, it turns out that Locke was using Charlie as bait to catch a boar. Fed up, Charlie demands his drugs back. Locke explains that he's going to let Charlie ask three times and that on the third time, he's going to let him have the drugs back?this was the first. Charlie begs Locke to throw the drugs away, but Locke reasons that would take away his choice, the only thing that separates us from the animals.

Back on the beach, Sayid tells Kate about his plan to triangulate the French broadcast -they'll set up three antennae and signal one another with bottle rockets as to when to turn them on. However, he needs a battery for the transceiver. Kate goes to Sawyer, knowing full well he has been hoarding stuff, and attempts to persuade him into contributing a battery. Kate claims to understand Sawyer?he has nothing and no one to return to, which is why he acts so selfishly. She says that she pities him. In an act of defiance, Sawyer gives up the battery.

Jack and Hurley continue to move bags from the beach to the caves. Charlie offers his help, but only gets in the way. When one of the bags pops open, Charlie spots some pill bottles and considers pocketing one. Jack catches him in the act. Charlie claims he has a "headache", but Jack tells him Diazepam is a little strong for a headache and dismisses him. Charlie returns to his guitar and we launch into another FLASHBACK, where Liam attempts to talk Charlie into staying with the band?tempting him with fame & fortune and appealing to his ego. Liam promises to look out for him and Charlie agrees so long as Liam promises they can walk away if things get too crazy.

At the caves, Hurley asks Charlie to move his guitar to make room for supplies. This pushes Charlie over the edge and he confronts Jack, going on an irrational rant. Suddenly, the cave walls begin to collapse, sending rocks and dirt everywhere. While Charlie escapes, Jack is trapped inside!

Kate & Sayid trek through the jungle to set the antennae and talk about fate, while Charlie runs to the beach to gather help. Boone leaves Shannon with the responsibility of firing off his bottle rocket and powering up his antenna. Sawyer volunteers to go tell Kate what happened to Jack, leaving Charlie behind. We FLASHBACK to the heyday of Drive Shaft. Charlie is up on stage next to Liam, enjoying the throngs of screaming fans. But as they launch into their hit song, "Y'all Everybody" Liam takes the chorus and sings it himself. Backstage, Charlie confronts his brother for singing his part. Liam claims that he was just caught up in the moment and dismisses Charlie, who stands by watching as his older brother takes a film canister from a girl and pulls out a familiar bag of brown powder. Liam throws Charlie a wink and a smile, before retreating to do the drugs.

Back in real time, everyone works together to clear the rocks from the mouth of the cave. When Michael arrives, he puts his eight years of construction experience into action and halts the work until he can figure out a good place to dig based on stability.

Out in the jungle, Sawyer intercepts Kate & Sayid to deliver news of Jack. But Kate's harsh comments cause Sawyer to have a change of heart and he decides to withhold the information and invite himself along on their mission.

As Locke works to skin another boar, Charlie approaches and tells him about the situation with Jack. But Locke knows the real reason Charlie came out into the jungle ? he wants his stash. Locke shows Charlie a cocoon, where a moth struggles to emerge. He explains that he could help it out, but it would be too weak to survive?the struggle is nature's way of strengthening it. And off that nugget of wisdom, Locke reminds Charlie that if he asks again, the drugs will be his.

At the caves, Michael tunnels through to where Jack is able to hear their calls. Jack tells them he's pinned down and unable to move. Michael informs the group that someone small will have to go in after Jack. Charlie emerges from the woods and volunteers.

Back in the jungle, Sayid, Kate and Sawyer stop to place the second antenna. Sayid instructs Kate to watch for his bottle rocket at 5 o'clock, then sets out on his own, leaving Kate and Sawyer together. Sawyer attempts to suss out what Kate sees in Jack. Kate tells Sawyer he doesn't hold a candle to Jack, which leads Sawyer to reveal that Jack is probably dead.

Charlie crawls through the small tunnel towards Jack. In his FLASHBACK, he tunnels his way through the crowd backstage. Charlie finds Liam drinking and drugging with some groupies and berates Liam for missing sound check again and getting high before another show. While Liam takes it all very lightly, Charlie threatens to cancel the rest of the tour, claiming that things have gotten out of control and that it's time to walk away, as they agreed. Charlie tells Liam that he's destroying Drive Shaft, but Liam's ego has grown out of control?he thinks he is Drive Shaft. Liam tells Charlie he's nothing without the band and leaves him behind. Devastated, Charlie picks up one of the film canisters and empties its contents into his hands. He stares at it, tears welling up in his eyes as he contemplates taking them himself?

Halfway through the tunnel, the walls begin to collapse behind Charlie. He makes it to Jack, but now they're both trapped inside. Charlie unpins Jacks arm from under a rock and fixes his dislocated shoulder before we go into another FLASHBACK?

?to a suburban house in Australia. Charlie knocks on the door and a clean-cut Liam answers it. Charlie delivers news that he's lined up a gig for Drive Shaft as an opening act in L.A. Charlie wants a revival?needs a revival. But Liam is settled and likes his new life?he has a wife and child now. When Charlie takes off his sunglasses, Liam realizes that he's using again. Liam offers to get him some help and invites him to stay, but Charlie storms out and heads for the fateful flight back to Los Angeles.

Outside the cave, the group has nearly given up hope until Kate arrives and insists on continuing the rescue effort. Inside, Jack is quick to recognize signs of Charlie's withdrawal and tells him he'll help him though it, if they ever make it out?they're using up oxygen?FAST. But Charlie notices a moth flying around inside the cave and he follows it to a shaft of light where he begins digging for fresh air?

?as Kate and the others dig on the other side. Charlie and Jack break through the surface and stumble back into camp. Kate turns, relieved to see Jack alive and runs into his arms. Jack credits Charlie for getting them out.

Meanwhile, Sayid prepares to turn on his antenna and sets off his bottle rocket. Shannon miraculously holds up her end of the bargain from the beach and the third rocket is launched from Kate's position. Sayid turns on the antenna, about to receive the signal, when he's suddenly conked on the head with a log?someone or something doesn't want them to get off the island.

That night at the caves, Charlie goes to Locke and asks for his drugs. This is the third request and Locke sticks to his word, surrendering the little bag to Charlie. But Charlie unexpectantly tosses the bag into the fire. Locke tells Charlie he's proud of him and knew he could do it. Charlie watches as a moth dances over the fire, finally free of his addiction.

106 Lost:"House of the Rising Sun" Review

Sayid: "Is there a reason you didn't consult us when you decided to form your own civilization?"

We open on the eye of Sun ? who looks out at her husband Jin as he catches and kills fish with his bare hands ? when we launch into?a FLASHBACK ? where Jin is a waiter at a lavish party for Korean high society; and Sun is a cocktail-clad part of that society. Both are in positions that highly contrast the characters we know on the island. Jin approaches Sun and offers her a glass of champagne, but there is another exchange going on between them ? in their eyes ? and when they meet later, we learn that they are lovers, as they steal a kiss in private. Sun wants to run away to America while Jin is worried about her father's approval. Jin presents her with a white orchid ? all he can afford for now.

Back on the island, Jin is distracted by the sight of Michael and Walt walking down the beach, when suddenly, for no apparent reason, he charges Michael and proceeds to beat the crap out of him near the shoreline. Jin nearly drowns Michael as Walt and Sun look on helplessly, until Sawyer and Sayid step in to break it up. Sawyer uses the Marshal's handcuffs to chain Jin to a piece of the fuselage.

Meanwhile, Jack, Kate, Charlie and Locke trek towards the fresh water source. When Charlie separates from the group for a fix, he inadvertently steps on a bee hive. Locke, who seems to have followed him, instructs Charlie not to move, but Charlie has an irrational fear of bees. As he balances precariously on top of the hive ? bees buzzing all around his head, we cut back to ?

? the Beach, where Michael is explaining what happened. Defending himself, his frustration grows as the language barrier and race card come into play. Sayid insists that Jin remain handcuffed until they can sort things out. Sun looks on as we go into ? another FLASHBACK, by an idyllic lake, where Jin announces his intentions of marrying Sun, with her father's blessings and gives her an engagement ring. Sun is overjoyed until she learns that, in return, Jin has agreed to work for her father's business. And off her look of concern, we cut back to ?

? the island, where Charlie struggles to remain still as more bees buzz around him. Jack has a plan ? he'll cover the hive, but before he's able to put his plan in action, Charlie is stung and stomps on the hive in reaction. The angry swarm is instantly on them and they all run off in separate directions, swatting bees and shedding clothes. Kate runs into a cave, where she stumbles into the skeletal remains of two bodies, one male, the other female, giving evidence to the fact that there were people on this island before them. When Jack examines "Adam & Eve", we learn that they've been dead for approximately 40 years and were laid to rest without any evidence of trauma. Among their few possessions, Jack finds a pouch containing two stones ? one black, one white.

At the beach, Sun applies aloe to Jin's handcuffed wrist, which is chaffed and cut from the cuff. In FLASHBACK, we watch Sun enter a well appointed home to find a gift wrapped box waiting for her, with an adorable Sharpei puppy inside. But instead of looking pleased, Sun looks depressed. Jin is also distant and instead of sharing this moment with his wife, he retreats into the bedroom to take a business call.

Back in real time, Jack is encouraged by the discovery of the bodies at the caves. He suggests that, instead of bringing the water to the people, they bring the people to the water. While Charlie and Locke agree and stay behind to begin to prepare things for the others, Kate isn't quite convinced and remains unwilling to settle in.

Meanwhile, back on the beach, Walt is upset and confused over the attack and questions his father's part in it. Michael immediately assumes that Walt's mother said bad things about him, but the truth is even harder for him to take. His mother never spoke of him at all. And off these relative strangers we find ?

? strangers of a different sort. As Sun tends to Jin, we FLASHBACK once more to their home, which has become even more ornate, and where Sun seems further trapped by her gilded cage. Jin enters and rushes into the bathroom with blood on his hands. Sun follows and begs Jin for an explanation, but he ignores her and will only say that he was working. Frustrated at his lie, Sun slaps her husband hard across the face, but instead of a reaction all she gets is a cold stare from a pair of dead eyes. Sun realizes for the first time that she doesn't know her own husband anymore. Jin tells her that he does whatever her father asks of him ? and that what he does, he does for them. But Sun doesn't buy it and recoils from him in fear.

Back at the caves, Charlie cannot escape from the watchful eye of Locke, who claims to know who he is and what he's looking for. In his paranoia, Charlie assumes that Locke is wise to his drug habit, when in fact, Locke is talking about his status in Drive Shaft and the fact that he lost his guitar in the crash. Locke tells Charlie to have faith ? this island will give you a great deal?if you are willing to give it something in return. Meanwhile, Jack returns to the beach and finds the people seriously divided about whether to move to the caves. Kate tells Jack that she just isn't willing to dig in and the two part ways.

Sun finds Michael chopping wood. In perfect English, she explains that her husband attacked Michael over a watch that belonged to her father ? a watch that Michael is wearing on his wrist; a watch that symbolized honor amongst the men in her life. And as Michael attempts to take all this in, we go into another FLASHBACK, where a woman posing as a home decorator gives Sun instructions on how to make a getaway at the airport while on a business trip with Jin. We learn that Sun has been studying English for some time in anticipation of leaving her husband.

Back in real time, Charlie finally shakes Locke and sneaks away for a hit. The minute Charlie takes out his drugs, Locke is on him, demanding that he hand them over before he runs out ? because then, as Locke reasons, he will be in control of his choice. Charlie is fed up with Locke and asks to be left alone, but Locke will not be denied. In a moment of desperation, Charlie hands over his bag to Locke. And, sure enough, he looks up to see his guitar, hanging in a tree.

Michael approaches Jin wielding the axe, but instead of killing the guy, Michael explains that he innocently found the watch and cuts Jin loose. He warns Jin to stay away from him and his son and walks away as Sun looks on. And in her FINAL FLASHBACK, we are at the airport in Australia. Sun is about to walk away from her husband, eyes darting from the clock to the car waiting outside. But when she looks back at Jin, she finds him holding a white orchid in his hands, reminding her of the simple love they once had. Sun makes a decision to stay with her husband and allows the car to leave without her.

At the caves, Charlie plays his guitar as Hurley, Jin, Sun and Jack arrive. Meanwhile, back at the beach, Sayid, Sawyer, Boone, Shannon, Michael, Walt and Kate keep the signal fire burning. The camps are divided as Jack and Kate stare into their separate fires?

105 Lost: "White Rabbit" Review

Locke: "I've looked into the eye of this Island, and what I saw was beautiful."

As the eye opens, we see a trickle of blood beginning to flow from a cut just above it. We pull back to see a boy laying flat on his back. Beside him another boy is being ruthlessly beaten against a school yard fence. "Walk away now and you won't get your ass kicked," says the bully. And the truth of it is, walking away would definitely be the smart thing for him to do - the bully is much bigger than he is. But the boy against the fence is in real trouble and, mixed in with the pain and the terror there is something else written on his face ? written so clearly you'd have to be blind not to see it. Please, help me! The first boy is up in a flash and goes to help his friend, but he's grabbed from behind by the bully and spun around, the bully's fist already cocked and ready to fire. "Should've stayed down Jack." WHAP! Lights out?

That was a Young Jack. Back in real time, Charlie races down the beach towards him, rousing Adult Jack from his FLASHBACK. "Jack! JACK! There's someone out there!" Charlie points out to the ocean ? And oh my God, there IS someone out there yelling for help and struggling to stay afloat. Before Charlie can explain that he doesn't know how to swim, Jack is in the water, pounding through the surf towards the target. When he gets there, he scans the surface and finds nothing but open water. He dives under. Nothing. He dives again and he's down there a long time until?he's up and he's got someone with him. It's Boone! And just as we're about to breathe a sigh of relief, Boone asks a terrible question: "Did you get her?" Did he get who? "That woman, did you get her?" Jack turns around and, sure enough, there is someone else further out, calling for help and about to go under. Kate and Charlie take an exhausted Boone from Jack at the breakwater and Jack turns around and dives right back in. But we widen out we see the awful truth laid out before us. Jack can swim as hard as he wants? but there is no one left to save.

Back on the beach, while Kate is trying to prevent Jack from beating himself up for the life he didn't save, Jack sees the man in the suit standing in the water. When he asks Kate if she saw him too, Kate recognizes that Jack's exhausted and asks how long it's been since he slept.

Meanwhile, Sawyer has begun his own business, providing luxuries to the survivors from the stash of goodies he collected from the wreckage and as the prices reflect, he's got the market cornered in that department. "But don't worry", he tells Shannon?he'll take a check.

Hurley and Charlie tell Jack that they are dangerously low on water. It hasn't rained in a few days and there are 47 people to take care of. Jack has to point out the mathematical error. Better make that 46. They want Jack to decide what should be done, but he wants no part of it.

In FLASHBACK we see young Jack in his father's study receiving a very important lesson on what it takes to be a leader. He tells Jack he doesn't have it. And while that might not be the easiest lesson to learn, Jack needs to know there are consequences for getting involved in other people's business. Consequences like that shiner on his eye.

Back in real time, Jack is speaking with Boone when he sees the man in the suit again. This time, he's not going to let him get away. He races off into the woods and sees the man standing there with his back turned. When he turns around, the shock knocks Jack right off his feet because the man in the suit looks an awful lot like his FATHER!

On the beach, the heat and the lack of water are taking their toll. When Claire faints, the others rally to her side, but when they go to give her some of the precious water, they make a frightening discovery ? it's all gone ? stolen! Locke offers to go into the jungle to find more ? just enough to keep Claire going.

IN FLASHBACK, we see Jack back in the same study, but he's older now - the Jack we know on the island. His mother tells him that his father is missing and that it's Jack's fault. She tells him to go and bring his father back home. Jack asks his mother where he is. She answers, Australia.

In the jungle, Jack races after the man in the suit. Just as he is getting close, he trips and falls down an incline, barely catching himself on a vine before falling off a cliff. He hangs there, slowly losing his grip on the vine. But just before he falls to the rocks below, a hand comes over and pulls him up. It's Locke! He tells Jack that the others are all looking to him to tell them what to do. Jack doesn't want the job and tells Locke about his hallucinations. Locke tells Jack that he should consider the possibility he is not hallucinating. But that's impossible. Locke tells him that possible is a relative term? especially on this island.

Back at the beach, Sayid and Kate catch Sun with a bottle of water. When they learn she got it from Sawyer, they confront him about stealing their supply. Turns out he didn't do it and he can prove it ? he made a trade with Jin, "cave-man style". As Charlie does his best to comfort Claire, we wonder how long she can hang on.

In FLASHBACK, Jack finally catches up with his father in Australia?in the morgue. Back in reality, Jack wipes away his tears as he sits alone in the jungle struggling with the loss all over again. Suddenly, the man in the suit crosses by again. Jack follows him through the dark and into an undiscovered part of the island where Jack discovers fresh water and a COFFIN.

In the final FLASHBACK, we learn that Jack put his father's coffin on the plane to fly back to California for the funeral. In real time, Jack finds that the coffin is EMPTY. In a fit of frustration at not being able to bury his father and the pure exhaustion that may be causing him to hallucinate, he destroys the coffin.

Back at the beach the water thief is caught. It was Boone! And just as the mob is about to have at him, Jack returns to the scene. He tells them they can't go on like this. It's been six days and rescue hasn't come, they have to start accepting the idea that it may never come. He tells them about the water he found in the jungle and explains to them all that things have to change or more people are going to die. "If we can't live together, we're going to die alone."