Tuesday 13 November 2007

103 Lost: "Tabula Rasa" Review

Jack: "Three days ago, we all died. We should all be able to start over."

In a makeshift infirmary tent, Jack is tending to the Marshal who mutters the same thing over and over through his pain: "Don't trust her?She's dangerous." When Jack asks him who "She" is, the Marshal tells him to look in his Jacket pocket. What he finds there will change things on the island forever. It's a mug shot?of Kate!

The Signal Party is working their way back down the mountain. It's getting dark and some of them want to make camp for the night. Sawyer wants to press on through the jungle at night, but anyone who has seen the last two episodes knows that isn't a very good idea and he is convinced to stay. Sitting around the fire, they discuss what they should tell the others about the French transmission. That information hasn't exactly done a lot for their peace of mind, so in the end they decide not to tell the others anything in order to preserve hope. At least for now?

And speaking of hope, back in the tent Jack is using a great deal of it trying to save the Marshall. Hurley enters, stumbles across Kate's mug shot and asks the question we all want answered: "What do you think she did?" ? off which we FLASHBACK TO:

Kate, being prodded by a shotgun held by a farmer (Ray) who wants to know what she is doing sleeping in his barn. After a frank exchange, the two find that they can be of service to each other. He needs some help on the farm, she needs a job and a place to stay. She says her name is "Annie."

Back at the Signal Party, Boone lifts the gun from Sawyer and the clip from Sayid as they sleep. They wake up and an argument ensues over who should have the gun, but they can't agree on a trustworthy candidate ? until they arrive at Kate. She reluctantly agrees to keep it.

The next morning, Hurley arrives at the infirmary tent to tell Jack the Signal Party has returned. Kate pulls Jack aside and says she has something she wants to tell him?in private. Jack is relieved, assuming that she is going to confide in him. But when they get down to it, Kate tells Jack about the French transmission. He asks if there is anything else she'd like to tell him. She asks if the Marshal has regained consciousness. When Jack tells her he did briefly during the surgery, Kate asks if he said anything to Jack. Jack considers the question for a moment before answering, "No."

The Marshal has taken a turn for the worse. If they don't find some stronger antibiotics, he's not going to make it. Hurley tells him he's looked everywhere?except the fuselage ? but that's full of bodies "and they're all?dead."

Jack enters the wreckage and does his best to avoid disturbing the bodies as he makes a desperate search for anything that will help the Marshal. Hearing something rustling behind him, he finds Sawyer combing the fuselage for a different reason ? turns out he's doing a little personal shopping. Jack berates him for disrespecting the dead, but Sawyer tells Jack to get with the program. Jack still thinks they are back in civilization while Sawyer realizes they are "in the wild."

At one end of the beach, Charlie is helping Claire collect luggage using a wheelchair from the plane and they begin to form a bond. Meanwhile, Sun presents a suitcase to Jin, but after closer inspection Jin determines it is the wrong one and tells Sun to keep looking. But before she does, he tells her to go and clean up her face, she is embarrassing him. As she turns leave, he tells her he loves her. And the strange thing is that he appears to mean it.

Hurley bumps into Kate at the infirmary tent and tries to play it cool about knowing her secret and in the process notices the gun in her waistband. He is not a smooth liar. And off the gun we FLAHBACK to:

Kate, who decides it's time to move on from the Australian farm. But when she accepts a ride from Ray to the train station, she learns that he is planning on turning her in to the authorities. He saw her picture at the post office and he really needs that reward money. Kate looks in the side mirror to see the Marshal, hot on her heels. In a desperate attempt to get away, Kate jerks the wheel and crashes the truck off the road. Saving the farmer from the truck costs her a chance to escape and she is captured by the Marshal.

Back in real time, while leaning over her body, the Marshal wakes up and lunges at Kate's throat, choking her. Jack has to pull him off of her before it's too late.

Michael struggles to forge bond with Walt ? wants to know what the bald told him yesterday. Walt says it's a secret, but when Michael presses the issue, Walt reveals that Locke told him "a miracle happened." Michael wants him to stay away from Locke.

When the rain stops, Michael searches for the dog in jungle. He hears something in the tall grass; something dangerous. He runs as fast as he can to get away from it and runs smack into Sun, who is topless and washing herself. There is an awkward moment between them.

Back on the beach, the Marshal is dying. Loudly. His screams are taking a physical toll on the rest of the group. Sayid asks Jack if anything can be done. Jack says he is doing all he can. The Marshal tells Jack he wants to speak to Kate?alone. While she is in the tent, Hurley tells Jack about the gun he saw in her pants. Jack races back to the infirmary tent before it's too late? "BANG!"

Out of the tent walks?Sawyer! He did what had to be done ?what Jack couldn't do. Horrible groans come from the tent again. We go in to find that the Marshal still isn't dead ? Sawyer shot him in the chest! He was aiming for the heart, but he missed! It will take hours for him to bleed out and he will suffer horribly. Jack throws an extremely shaken Sawyer out of the tent. And a few moments later?the moans stop for good. Jack emerges and walks past Sawyer without a word.

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